Earlier this month, I had the most wonderful day in London attending the 'Ann Driver Trust' summer reception. I am extremely grateful for the support the trust has shown to myself and fellow musicians studying at musical institutions in the UK - their generous assistance helping myself and others to achieve our dreams!
About the Ann Driver Trust
"The Ann Driver Trust was Founded in 1989 in memory of Ann Driver MBE - musician and broadcaster. It supports the education of youth in the arts, with special emphasis on music, by giving grants to nominated schools and colleges."
Website: http://www.anndrivertrust.co.uk/
The Reception
It was lovely to meet members of the trust including President, Julian Lloyd Webber, and fellow bursary recipients. I thoroughly enjoyed performing Mozart's 'Deh vieni, non tardar' from 'Le nozze di Figaro' (salon style) with wonderful pianist, Sophia Rahman!
I am incredibly grateful for the support of this very special trust.